
What Teachers Say about Club G

"I’ve never had a class like this”.

 “By grade 5 they’re a group who’s already moved from egocentric to empathetic.”

“They’re devastated if they miss their turn for Club G.”

“There’s been an observable increase in spontaneous, unprompted acts of kindness and inclusion this year over last year, most noticeable in fitness and group classroom work at the table.”

“These kids are giving, but they are receiving equally.  There’s no such thing as true altruism.”

“The biggest impact is that you have this group of kids who would normally be more self centred than I’ve seen.  As they approach their teenage years this is particularly significant.

"Teenage development is about 'self'.  Understanding and accommodating Ges is about 'other'.  As they mature, they can make a choice because they have the skills and experience to do so."

"For some, it’s helped them develop a better acceptance of each other.”

What Do the Kids Say?

"It makes him happy."

"I get to play with other kids I normally wouldn't talk to."

“I like Club G because Ges is more willing to play.  If you ask him to play during regular recess or lunch he usually turns it down.  Ges is my friend and I like to help him.  I want Ges to enjoy school and know his friends care about him.”

I think people are more kind to one another now, playing with Ges; it's made a big difference."

“He’s fun to play with because he’s always having a fun time.  He does what he wants to do.  He’s never really sad when he’s playing.  He’s good at bocce ball."

"I know their family, and knew Ges is a nice guy – and because of the Grade 5/6 splits, I figured it would be my only opportunity to participate in Club G.”